Our Services

Culture Deposit

Culture Supply

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Fee Structure*

*For Supply of Cultures additional GST will be applicable @ 12% (including 6% CGST+ 6% SGST)

*For all other services GST will be applicable @ 18% (including 9% CGST+ 9% SGST)

Description and Scope of Service Fee (INR ₹) Forms to Submit
Academic (per sample) Industry (per sample)
Deposit Services
A) Patent Deposit at IDA under Budapest Treaty      
1. Deposit of Bacteria, fungi, yeast and plasmids belonging to Hazard Group 1 and 2 only      
(a) Storage under rule 12.1 (a)(i) 20,000.00 20,000.00 Form BP/1
(b) Conversion of deposit 20,000.00 20,000.00  
(c) Extension of duration of storage beyond that provided by Rule 9 (per year) 2,000.00 2,000.00  
(d) Issue of viability statement on the basis of test 3,000.00 3,000.00  
(e) Issue of viability statement on the basis of last viability test 1,000.00 1,000.00  
(f) Furnishing of samples 3,000.00 3,000.00  
(g) Communication of information under Rule 7.6 1,000.00 1,000.00  
(h) Attestation referred to in Rule 8.2 1,000.00 1,000.00  
2. Deposit of Cell lines 50,000.00 50,000.00 Form BP/1
B) Safe Deposit      
1. Deposit of Bacteria, fungi, yeast and plasmids belonging to Hazard Group 1 and 2 only 10,000.00 10,000.00 Form 009
Rs. 10,000/- for the first year only (including Rs. 5000/- for ten freeze-dried ampoules). Fee for subsequent years is Rs. 5000/- per annum.
Supply of Cultures
(Additional GST @ 12% including 6% CGST+ 6% SGST)
† Additional 200/- as shipping and Handling Charges. REQUESTS FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPMENTS from investigators working outside India will be charged at actual and follow a different procedure as mentioned here
1. Freeze dried culture (ampoules) 1,200.00 2,400.00 Form 008
2. Active cultures on slants/stab 1,800.00 3,500.00
Identification and Characterization Services
A) Identification by rRNA/ITS DNA sequencing      
1. Sequencing of 16S rRNA gene (~700 bp) Currently Unavailable
2. Sequencing of 16S rRNA gene (~1200 bp)
3. Sequencing of 18S rRNA gene /ITS/D1-D2 (~700bp)
4. Sequencing of 18S rRNA gene (~1200 bp)
B) Molecular & Chemotaxonomic Characterization      
1. DNA G+C Content (mol%, melting temperature based) Currently Unavailable
2. DNA-DNA Hybridisation (per pair)
3. MALDI-TOF MS based biotyping
4. Whole-cell Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) analysis by GC
5. Analysis of Polar Lipids
6. Phylogenetic Analysis
C) Phenotypic Characterisation      
1. Scanning Electron Microscopy Currently Unavailable
2. Conventional Characterization      
(a) Bacteria Currently Unavailable
(b) Mycelial fungi
(c) Yeasts (Morphological & API-AUX C or API Candida)
3. Analytical Profile Index (API)-based Phenotypic charaterization of Bacteria      
(a) API 20 NE Currently Unavailable
(b) API 20 E
(c) API 50 CH
(d) API 50 CHL
(f) API 20 STAPH
(g) API 20 STREP
(h) API Coryne
4. BIOLOG-based Phenotypic charaterization      
(a) BIOLOG GENIII Gram Positive/Negative Currently Unavailable
(b) BIOLOG Fungi
(c) BIOLOG Yeast
(d) BIOLOG Anaerobic Bacteria
(e) Community Level Physiological Profile (CLPP) using BIOLOG ECO Plate
(f) CLPP using BIOLOG ECO Plate with analysis of results
5. VITEK-based Phenotypic charaterization      
(a) VITEK using GP/GN/YST/BCLcards Currently Unavailable
(b) VITEK using ANC/CBC cards
(c) VITEK-based Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (AST)
D) Identification by Sequencing + Conventional Phenotyping      
1. Bacteria (~700 bp Sequence + Phenotypic) Currently Unavailable
2. Bacteria (~1200 bp Sequence + Phenotypic)
3. Mycelial fungi (~700 bp Sequence + Phenotypic)
4. Yeasts (~700 bp Sequence + Phenotypic)
Genome and Metagenome Sequencing Service (on NGS Platform)
1. Microbial Genome Sequencing Currently Unavailable
2. Microbial Genome Sequencing + Bioinformatics for novel taxa
3. Microbial Genome Sequencing + Advanced bioinformatics
4. Amplicon Sequencing for less than 50 Samples (16S rRNA or ITS)
5. Amplicon Sequencing for more than 50 Samples (16S rRNA or ITS)
6. Standard bioinformatics analyses of amplicon data (rRNA or ITS)
7. Advanced bioinformatics analyses of amplicon data (rRNA or ITS)
Customized Services
A) Purification of Microbial Cultures      
1. Bacterial culture Currently Unavailable
2. Fungal culture
B) Freeze-drying of Microbial Cultures      
1. Batch of 10 freeze-dried ampoules per culture Currently Unavailable
2. Bulk Freeze-drying (upto 50 g pelleted microbial culture, no ampoules)
C) Cycle Sequencing of PCR Products      
1. Purified PCR products (~700 bp) Currently Unavailable
2. Un-purified PCR Products (~700 bp)
D) Microbial Testing of Food Products      
1. All food categories except those mentioned at serial No. 2(a) and 2(b) below. Currently Unavailable
2. (a) Foods for Infant Nutrition
I. Infant Milk Food
II. Infant Formula
III. Milk cereal based. Complementary Foods
IV. Processed cereal based complementary Foods
(b) Packaged drinking water and Mineral Water
E) Other Services      
1. Genomic DNA extraction (~50 µg) Currently Unavailable
2. MALDI-TOF MS (MSP creation)
3. Phytoplasma testing PCR